Category: Cook books
Greed, vanity and a cautionary tale about multi-tasking
Braidwood radio and four other artistic pursuits I’ve been filling in for someone on Braidwood Radio on Tuesday afternoons (Rod and Penny on ‘Bunkum Faves and Raves’, 3.00 to 4.30 on current affairs, ancient history and the arts – an eclectic but entertaining mix). What with researching for that and continuing with the Argentine…
In Heinrich Böll’s cottage
In Heinrich Böll’s cottage on my Achill Island writer’s residency I wrote nearly 20,000 words. I was grateful for the newly installed under-floor heating as I touch-typed, gazing through the window at the rain and hail. In breaks between various types of precipitation I could look out at sudden sunlight spilling silver over the distant…
Jules Clancy’s new e-book, Love Your Waistline and Your Food
Jules Clancy (pictured) was living in Cooma when I first discovered her blog, and I was working at the National Rural Health Alliance. Jules was a good example of an enterprising rural woman and I shared much of her nutritional and culinary advice as well as her blogs and books with my readers. She…
When the Couch-Potato Pill is invented will you take it?
‘That’s the first time I’ve ever seen anyone do that,’ said my friend Sharon, standing above me on the turquoise-tiled rim of Dickson swimming pool. ‘Do what?’ I asked, as I completed my length and stood up in the shallow-end water. ‘Yawning while swimming,’ she said.
Eating real food: a quick comparison of cookbooks
‘Gosh it’s easy to write a cookbook. Well, it’s easy if your primary role is “quality control”, and all the actual work is done by seasoned professionals and my slave-driven wife,’ writes David Gillespie in the Acknowledgements of his The Sweet Poison Quit Plan Cookbook (Melbourne, Viking, 2013, p. 199). He states that he ‘did…